An Overview of The Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Philadelphia

There can be many health conditions where a doctor would recommend a person go through the procedure of testosterone replacement therapy, also known as testosterone therapy or TRT. In this article, you’ll get all the needed information about it and the best clinics for Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Philadelphia.

What Is Low Testosterone Therapy?

It is a process which is used to recover the testosterone which is lost from the body because of various health conditions such as the removal of a single or both the testes from the body and issues such as:

  • When testes don’t function normally, also known as primary hypogonadism,

  • When there is low testosterone production due to a tumor formed in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.

  • Aging

  • Testicle injury

  • Late onset of puberty

Various Methods Used To Treat Low Testosterone Issue

The overall testosterone level in the human body keeps fluctuating during the lifespan in accordance to the body’s requirements for the same. Age is a prominent factor in low testosterone count in males. However, some people suffer from considerably low testosterone levels regardless of age which leads to searching for Low testosterone treatment therapy

Some of the therapies include:

  • Oral

This method is very convenient and involves orally ingesting capsules through which the hormones are absorbed into the bloodstream of the person. It can also involve the attachment of tablets inside the mouth, which is done twice a day.

  • Skin Patch

This method involves applying a skin patch on the skin once every 24 hours. The hormone is then absorbed inside the body through the skin.

  •  Gels

This method involves applying a gel to the upper body areas like the shoulders and arms.

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The thing that should be kept in mind while using this method is to ensure that the skin is covered with some clothing to avoid other people getting exposed to testosterone.

  •  Pellets

This method involves implanting small pellets under the skin from which the hormone is released at a slow rate. These are usually placed near the hips and replaced every 3-6 weeks. These have a little risk of infection and a small surgery is also required each time they are changed.


The Benefits of Low Testosterone Therapy

  • Can cure sexual dysfunction.

  • Can cure primary hypogonadism.

  • It can improve stamina and strength in the body, though it is not scientifically proven by any studies.

 Side Effects of Low Testosterone Therapy

  • Experiencing breakouts or acne.

  • Tenderness in the breast tissue

  • Fluid retention in the ankles

  • Less urination

  • increase in the RBC count

  • Infertility

  • Frequent mood changes

  • Feelings of aggression

  • Fluctuation of cholesterol

  • Hair loss

  • Heart attack


Situations When Testosterone Therapy is Not Recommended

  • In the case of prostate cancer, it is not recommended as this hormone causes an increase in the size of the prostate.

  • If the person has sleep apnea, testosterone can make it worse.\

  • If the person has any kind of heart disease, testosterone causes the blood to thicken, which may result in increasing the risk of getting a heart attack.

  • If the person wants to have his own children in the near future, because of the reduction in sperm count it causes.

Piece Of Advice

If you are looking for specialized treatment, it is always recommended to reach out to the specialist doctor with your concern. Testosterone Replacement Therapy Philadelphia through a certified doctor ensures your T levels verification and a customized treatment plan.


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