Learn Quick Look Into The Symptoms, Causes, And Low Sperm Production Treatment!

The condition of having low sperm counts is also called oligospermia. As the name suggests, Azoospermia is the condition when there is no sperm. 

What Is Prescribed As The Low Sperm Count Condition?

The sperm count is considered lower than usual if fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen. 

Symptoms Of Lower Sperm Production In Men

A low sperm production means your partner's egg will be less likely to be fertilized, resulting in lower chances of pregnancy. However, there are many options for men/couples interested in becoming parents. 

Low sperm count mainly leads to infertility. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Some men may experience signs and symptoms related to chromosomal abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, dilated testicular veins, or conditions that prevent conception. 

Low Sperm Production May Cause The Following Symptoms:

  • Having recurrent respiratory infections

  • Having difficulty maintaining an erection, low ejaculatory volume, or the inability to ejaculate

  • Testicles that swell, hurt, or have a lump.

  • An abnormal chromosome or hormone can cause decreased hair on the face or body.

Causes Of Low Sperm Production

There are several reasons for low sperm production, which can be split into three major categories: medical, environmental, and lifestyle.

  1. Medical Causes

Several health issues and medical treatments can contribute to low sperm counts. Some are,

  • Treatments or medications for conditions such as cancer, antifungals, antibiotics, and ulcer drugs

  • Immune system problems

  • An infection or sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can block, scar, or damage the reproductive system

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Chromosome defects

  • Prolonged usage of certain medicines like anabolic steroids, cancer & ulcer medications, specific antifungal and antibiotic medications, and other medications are known to decrease male fertility.

   2. Environmental Causes

Several environmental factors can adversely affect sperm production or function, including:

  • Industrial chemicals

  • Radiation or X-rays

  • Overheating the testicles

  • Heavy metal exposure

   3. Health, Lifestyle, And Other Causes

Other causes of low sperm production include:

  • Sitting-intensive jobs, such as truck driving

  • Having emotional issues, such as stress and depression, that are long term and severe

  • Obesity and being overweight also harm hormones.

Four Options For Low Sperm Production Treatment 

The reasons behind the lower male infertility decide the treatment to be given. Additionally, there are several ways to increase your chances of conceiving when you change up your routine for trying to conceive.

  • Surgery

Surgery may be necessary in cases of large varicoceles, blockages, or problems with sperm leaving the body. Vasectomies can be reversed, for instance, if the varicocele is treated with a minor outpatient operation. In vitro fertilization (IVF), such as sperm collection from the testes or epididymis, can also be done surgically.

  • Hormonal Therapies

A low sperm count may result from too high or too low testosterone levels, in which case medication may help restore fertility. Being overweight can also affect hormones in some cases. Getting proper treatment from a weight loss doctor may help you in that case. You should not use anabolic steroids, testosterone, or any testosterone booster since these can cause infertility.

  • Counseling

A combination of medication and counseling may solve an issue with sexual intercourse, such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Wait A While

Changing your lifestyle or having treatment may not immediately affect your sperm count, as the time frame for sperm production and transit is around 2 to 3 months. 

With a proper consultation, take steps to low sperm production treatment.  


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